
Acidity: A flavor characteristic of coffee, often associated with brightness and a clean, lively taste. Not to be confused with the actual pH level of coffee.

Aeropress: A brewing device that uses air pressure to force water through coffee grounds, producing a rich and smooth cup of coffee.

Arabica: One of the two major species of coffee beans, known for its superior flavor and quality. Arabica beans are grown in high altitudes and tend to have a smooth, slightly acidic taste.

Barista: A person who is trained in the art of preparing and serving coffee, often working in coffee shops or cafes.

Blends: Coffee that is made from a combination of two or more different types of coffee beans.

Brewing Methods: Various techniques used to extract flavor from coffee grounds, including French press, pour over, espresso, cold brew, and more.

Caffeine: A natural stimulant found in coffee beans that can help to increase alertness and energy levels.

Cold Brew: A brewing method where coffee grounds are steeped in cold water for an extended period of time, typically 12-24 hours.

Crema: The layer of creamy foam that forms on top of a well-brewed shot of espresso.

Cupping: A standardized method of tasting coffee used by professionals to evaluate coffee quality.

**Drip Coffee:** A method of brewing coffee where hot water is poured over coffee grounds and allowed to drip through a filter into a carafe or cup.

Espresso: A brewing method that forces hot water under high pressure through finely ground coffee, resulting in a concentrated coffee drink.

French Press: A brewing method that involves steeping coffee grounds in hot water before pressing the grounds out with a mesh plunger.

Grinder: A device used to grind coffee beans into grounds. There are two main types, burr grinders and blade grinders.

Pour Over: A brewing method where water is poured over coffee grounds in a filter, allowing gravity to draw the water down through the grounds and into a carafe or cup.

Robusta: One of the two major species of coffee beans, known for its high caffeine content and resistance to pests. Robusta beans are typically grown at lower altitudes and have a stronger, more bitter taste than Arabica beans.

Single Origin: Coffee that comes from a single geographic region, allowing the unique flavors and characteristics of that region to shine through.

Tasting Notes: Descriptions of the flavors, aromas, and qualities that can be perceived in a cup of coffee.

Third Wave Coffee: A movement that views coffee as an artisanal food product, similar to wine, with a focus on sourcing, processing, and brewing methods.

Toll Roasting: A service provided by some coffee companies where they roast coffee for other businesses using their equipment and expertise.

Wholesale: The practice of selling goods in large quantities at a lower price, often to retailers who then sell the goods to consumers at a higher price.

This list covers many common terms, but coffee is a complex and diverse field, so there are many more terms out there. If there are other terms you'd like to include, let me know!