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The Loring 70-kilo Peregrine

The Loring 70-kilo Peregrine Coffee Roaster is a commercial coffee roaster made by Loring Smart Roasters, a company that specializes in designing and manufacturing coffee roasters. The Loring 70-kilo Peregrine is a large-scale roaster, designed to roast up to 70 kilograms (154 pounds) of coffee beans per batch.

One of the main features of the Loring 70-kilo Peregrine is its energy efficiency. It uses a patented "SmartRoast" technology that allows for precise control of the roasting process and reduces energy consumption by up to 40% compared to traditional drum roasters. Additionally, the Loring 70-kilo Peregrine uses an indirect heating system which eliminates the need for a chimney, resulting in a cleaner and more efficient roasting process.

The Loring 70-kilo Peregrine also has a high degree of control over the roasting process. It allows for precise control of temperature, airflow, and drum speed to ensure that each batch of coffee is roasted to perfection. It also has a built-in computer system that allows for detailed data recording and analysis, which can be used to make adjustments to the roasting process.

Another feature of the Loring 70-kilo Peregrine is its ability to roast a wide range of coffee beans. It can roast any type of coffee, from light to dark roasts, while still preserving the unique characteristics of each bean.

Overall, the Loring 70-kilo Peregrine Coffee Roaster is a high-performance, energy-efficient, and versatile commercial coffee roaster. It offers precise control over the roasting process, energy efficiency, and the ability to roast a wide range of beans, making it an ideal choice for large-scale coffee roasting operations.